When you purchase, we give back $1 to a life-changing project with i=change. YOU CHOOSE WHO WE SUPPORT.

We Care

At Sol del Sur, we would like to be a brand that is more than just a beauty brand. We would like to be part of a bigger global picture, where we can contribute to impacting the lives of others. 

Our mission is to not only provide beautiful products that make women and people look their best, we want to be a part of the journey in making everyone  feeltheir best and feel empowered. As part of this mission, we have proudly partnered with i=change so we can contribute to three meaningful causes in a collaborative way, where our loyal customers choose which charity $1 with every purchase goes to.


i=change has partnered with Akilah Institution which is an all women's college in Rwanda, Africa which enables young women to secure meaningful jobs and achieve economic independence. 88% of Akilah alumnae launch careers within six months of graduation and earn 12x the national median income.As empowered women, Akilah graduates give back to their families and communities, ensuring the prosperity of future generations. 


i=change has partnered with 'So They Can' who works with communities in Kenya and Tanzania to improve education standards and ensure every child has the right to be in the classroom, regardless of their gender or home environment.

So They Can reaches 45,000 children and communities across 51 schools in Africa. Through education and community development programs, they replace barriers with sustainable pathways to empower students and unleash their potential.


The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest living organism and one of the most bio-diverse places on earth. It’s under threat. The Reef also supports the culture and livelihoods of 70 Traditional Owner groups, who have been its custodians for over 60,000 years.Since 1985, the Reef has lost 50% of its coral cover due to climate change and poor water from land-based run-off. More than 10 million tonnes of sediment from eroded gullies flow onto the Reef every year, smothering corals and seagrass, creating algal blooms, degrading water quality, and weakening the Reef’s ability to recover.Coastal wetlands are essential. They act like kidneys, filtering out the sediment from agriculture, industry and urban land use. But over 50% of wetlands have already been lost.Greening Australia and Traditional Owners are working to restore 2,000 hectares of eroded land and 10,000 hectares of wetlands by 2030. This will prevent 400,000 tonnes of sediment from polluting the Reef each year, improving water quality, the Reef’s resilience to climate change, and the livelihoods and wellbeing of Indigenous Australians.

To see the Sol del Sur page on the 1=change website and to learn more, please visit https://iequalchange.com/brands/sol-del-sur